Strawberry Plants
About our Strawberry Plants: We keep the plants in cold storage until the day they are shipped out to you. This keeps them dormant and
is less stressful to the plants. When you receive the plants, it is best to get them in the ground as soon as possible, but as we know this
is not always possible when the weather does not permit. If you are not able to plant in a day or so, store the plants in a cool dark place.
A refrigerator or ice box is ideal. It is a good idea to take the rubber bands off the bundle and loosen the plants.
We highly recommend soaking the roots in water for an hour before you plant. It is good to plant early in the spring, but use caution. A
long cold and wet spell can be stressful to strawberry plants. If you live in Ohio or about the same distance north, April 10th to May 10th
is usually ideal. Points farther south of course can be planted a bit earlier and northern states like Wisconsin should wait till May or at the
earliest late April.